Try Glühwein for that winter glow
It’s pronounced GLOO-vine and translates as “glow wine” for, erm, obvious reasons. Use non-alcoholic red wine if you prefer - it will taste as good.
For best results, follow these guidelines when making glühwein :
Avoid red wines high in tannins or have an oaky flavor, and avoid light reds.
Zinfandels, Merlots, Syrah/Shiraz, or Garnache tend to work best. Also Cabernet Sauvignon, which tends to have a full-bodied, fruity flavour.
Don’t use high heat - it will cook the alcohol out and will cause the wine to become bitter.
Insulated glass mugs hold the heat best but your favourite mug will do nicely.
Glühwein Recipe
Pour bottle of red wine into a pot; simmer on medium heat.
Be patient - don’t let it boil!
Add 2 tablespoons of sugar
1 cinnamon stick
5 cloves
Orange peel from 1 orange, cut into piece
Use a ladle to pour into mugs and serve!
Glühwein is a mulled spice wine drink that’s easy to make and perfect for winter holiday gatherings.
It’s a great way to keep warm walking the Christmas Markets.
These cute mugs come with many beverages: hot cocoa, tea and of course, glühwein. Market vendors will refill your mugs - no disposable cups where to be found!