About Claire Langan

Claire Langan
Certified Travel Counselor

I didn’t always know what I wanted to be when I grew up, but I fantasized about wearing a suit, heading to an office and helping people.

In high school I was offered an opportunity to work in a local Travel agency and thought it sounded like a good gig. Two days a week I stamped brochures, cleaned the ashtrays and read every single brochure from cover to cover. I immersed myself in the pages and fell in love with the destinations in those pictures.

Hearing about the adventures the clients had when they returned thrilled me each time, and I realized quickly that showing clients how exciting travelling the world can be was what I was supposed to do.

I don’t wear a suit anymore, lost the perm (it was the 80’s after all) and don’t even have an office commute but some things have not changed. I still work closely with my clients designing unique experiences and enjoy all the details of planning travel for my clients.

I get just as excited as they do for a new adventure and relish the idea of helping them complete their ever-growing bucket lists.

Before that Travel Agency job, the only plane I had been on was in 1975 when I came to Canada from the UK but since then have had the good fortune to travel often. Each time learning about a new culture, experiencing incredible scenery and food.

Sharing these experiences along with those planned for my clients brings me incredible joy. 

Travel opens the mind and the heart, and I cannot imagine being called to any other career. 

My promise to you: As a Certified Travel Counsellor, using my 35 + years of experience and attention to detail is that I will help you create lifelong memories.

Your time and money are valuable, and my job is to ensure you spend it wisely.  

If you are ready to start the planning then I invite you get in touch whether you are planning your Tuscan Villa retreat, ready to experience the Australian outback or hiking the Inca Trail, I am here to make the dream a reality. 


Claire’s Point of View

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