How Many Trips Do We Have Left?
A couple of months ago I was having dinner with a friend, and over some wine we started discussing our ages and how we are heading into sixty next year. She observed that if we take one big holiday a year that means there are only about twenty vacations left before being unable to travel.
So many places to travel to, so little time.
Where would you go if you only had twenty more trips?
Would you go back to the same resort you go every year because it feels like home?
Would it be that bucket list safari you have been promising yourself since you were in college?
Maybe back to the homeland and see where your parents grew up or your grandfather spent the war years. I could go to Ireland and explore the Langan name.
Maybe I would finally take my daughter back to Korea as I promised to do when she was ten.
I posted this on my personal Facebook page and the comments and reactions where really something. I actually got goosebumps reading them. Some people said they would go back somewhere they loved but felt they did not explore enough. Some posted a laundry list of places.
I loved reading those lists. For some people it was that one special place they have been dreaming of but keep putting off.
So, although I do consider it my job to travel and take more than one trip a year I realize now fragile life is and the opportunities may not be there for the next twenty years.
Life is short. Gather experiences, not things.
Where would you go next?