Is It Safe To Visit Iceland?
Volcanic activity has been on the rise in Iceland lately, and so has the rise in hype and misinformation, fuelled by social media. So let's look at the facts and apply some cool, common sense.
Volcanic activity is a natural part of Iceland's allure, yet it carries implications for tourism. Eruptions, while infrequent, can disrupt travel plans due to ash clouds or temporary closings of attractions. However, Iceland's expertise in managing these natural events minimizes their impact, ensuring the safety of its visitors without dampening the exploratory spirit. It's essential to look beyond the hype, seeking out reputable sources for the true status of volcanic activity and travel advisories.
Sensational headlines often paint a daunting picture of Iceland's volcanic activity. However, the situation on the ground is monitored with incredible precision by geologists. Local authorities, including the Icelandic Meteorological Office and the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, are the linchpins in maintaining safety. They regularly monitor volcanic activity, providing updates and guidance.
According to the Travel Canada website, Iceland is considered a normal travel risk, and to take the usual precautions for pickpockets, scams etc. For natural disasters, you can utilize resources like the Safe Travel Iceland website for the latest on travel advisories and volcanic activity.
Volcano tourism is on the rise, driven by the desire to witness nature's power up close. There has been an increase in volcano watcher tours, on the ground and in the air. Nevertheless, safety takes precedence, with road closures implemented swiftly in response to eruptions to protect visitors and residents alike.
For families looking to experience the thrill of seeing lava in a safe and comfortable setting, The Lava Show in Reykjavik offers a unique opportunity. It’s the only place in the world where you can safely witness molten lava in action. As you sit in comfortable theater seat just a few feet away from real lava, a geologist demonstrates the fascinating properties of lava, and it's behaviour, such as how water can form glass bubbles. This educational experience demystifies volcanic activity, blending learning with the sheer excitement of seeing real lava flow in a controlled environment. Children and adults alike love this show.
Another idea for a safe lava-related experience is the Raufarhólshellir Lava Tunnels. Follow your guide into tunnels formed long ago by lava and see so many interesting sights like ice pillars and colourful rock formations. Not recommended for those under 12, it is a relatively easy walk down a combination dirt path and staircases.
The key to safely enjoying Iceland's volcanic landscapes lies in staying informed and skeptical of sensational news. Misinformation can obscure the fact that Iceland is adept at safeguarding its visitors, allowing for safe and awe-inspiring encounters with its natural wonders. Fake news can kill: if faith in the public warning system is eroded by false information, then locals and visitors alike may ignore warnings to evacuate in genuine emergencies.
We should all be vigilant regarding hype and misinformation on the internet and instead seek out reliable information. You can always reach out to us for more information.