Jubilee 2025: 'Hope Does Not Disappoint'

Unless you're hoping to book a trip to Italy in 2025, because you will be disappointed.

For Roman Catholics around the world, 2025 is a Jubilee or Holy Year, lasting from Christmas Eve 2024 until the Epiphany festival in January 2026.

The Jubilee holds deep spiritual meaning. It’s an opportunity for pilgrimage, reconciliation, spiritual growth, and celebration. 

Millions of pilgrims will flock to Rome and other Italian holy sites to participate in this momentous occasion.

The papal bull, or theme, of the 2025 Jubilee is 'Hope Does Not Disappoint'. This is a wonderful affirmation that brings comfort to millions of believers during these difficult times.

I hate to disappoint you, but if you're reading this, it's already too late to be booking anything for 2025 in Italy.

I still get inquiries about Italy, and some are not aware of the Jubilee and its impact on prices and availability. Accommodations will be very expensive, if you can find any (I've looked).

I must also caution you against booking private home rentals in Italy (or anywhere IMO). They are problematic at any time but become more unreliable and sketchy during large events like the Jubilee.

No Bull

I want you to have trust and faith in my travel advice. My clients know that I always give my unfiltered, honest opinions.

I don't want to crush your hopes, but I insist on giving everyone my best assessment of your travel goals and the latest information.

However, for the devout who insist on making the pilgrimage to Rome in 2025, I would be happy to look for a way to get you there.

There's always hope.


An Inspired Impact in 2024


Two Irelands, Two Borders