Scottish Phrases - Find Yer Inspiration

Exploring Scotland and immersing in its culture is even more fun when you know some local lingo. Here are 10 common Scottish phrases that will help you blend in.


  1. "Aye" - Yes.

  2. "Nae bother" - No problem; you're welcome.

  3. "Dinnae fash yersel" - Don't worry yourself.

  4. "Canny" - Careful, or nice/pleasant depending on context.

  5. "Bairn" - Child.

  6. "Bonnie" - Beautiful or pretty.

  7. "Wee" - Small.

  8. "Gonnae no dae that" - Going to not do that; please stop.

  9. "It's a dreich day" - It's a dreary, grey day.

  10. "Lang may yer lum reek" - Long may your chimney smoke; wishing you a long life and prosperity.


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