Blarney Woollen Mills Hotel in Cork
In these lovingly restored stone buildings from the famous Blarney Woollen Mills, your will find a hotel, restaurant, pub, café, museum and gift shop.
Founder Christy Kelleher, with his wife Maureen, on their wedding day in 1940.
From Apprentice to Supervisor
Young Christy Kelleher, a boy of 13, began work at the Mill as an apprentice machinist and worked there for 22 years. He became a supervisor with responsibility for the day to day running and maintenance of the heavy industrial machinery.
He was always very proud of the fact that during the war years when machine parts were not available, he improvised so well that 'his' machines never stopped.
Built in 1823, Blarney Woollen Mills was originally known as Mahony's Mills that produced tweeds and woollens for international markets.
Another Mill Goes Under
By the 1960's, business at the Old Mill had started to decline and it finally wound down production and closed it's doors in 1973. The huge stone buildings became bare and empty and the machines were dismantled and removed. Five hundred people lost their jobs. For two years the great mill lay silent and derelict. Nobody wanted it.
Christy Has a Great Idea
Christy visited the site many times and slowly the germ of an idea began to grow - he would buy the buildings he had worked in as a boy and turn the mill into the biggest Irish shop in the world and a magnificent showcase for Irish products.
He 'did a deal' with the auctioneers and placed a deposit on the Mill only to discover that the financial institutions did not share his enthusiasm. His requests for funds were refused. What a dilemma!
By the 1960's, business at the Old Mill had started to decline and it finally wound down production and closed it's doors in 1973.
Kellehers to the Rescue!
The Kelleher family agreed that drastic steps were necessary and between them raised the funds to purchase the Mill and later persuaded the banks to provide the working capital.
Christy Kelleher was now the proud owner of the Woollen Mills where he had started his working life. One of the first things he did was to remove the big iron gate that was the management entrance to the Mill. All the factory workers of the Old Mill had previously entered through a side gate, and Christy was determined that everyone would now be able to go through this main entrance.
A Popular Woolen and Gift Shop
The business developed into the largest Irish shop in the world and sells products from every county in Ireland. So whether you are looking for crafts, food, folklore or fashion, it's all there under the rambling roofs of the old Mill.
The fact that the business prospered is a testament to Christy's dogged enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit. He was always there, with a kind word for everyone, welcoming the visitors, encouraging the staff, and continually looking to improve the visitor experience.
“What could we build that would keep the husbands busy while the wives shop for wool?”
The Husband Problem
Christy couldn't help but notice that the male visitors were getting a bit agitated if the women were spending too long shopping so he decided that what the Mill was missing was a "bar".
He tried to buy a bar license but failed (they were like gold back in 1978) so his only alternative was to open an hotel, which would automatically be entitled to a drinks license.
Thus the Blarney Woollen Mills Hotel and Pub was born.
The bar was aptly named "Christy's" after its founder, and thousands of people enjoy good food, conversation and a bit of "craic" in his bar today.
So Raise a Pint to Christy
Christy Kelleher, this great man of vision, died in 1991 aged 76...but with more than half a million visitors passing through the old stone buildings of this historic and glorified mill each year and over 400 people employed in the business.
Christy left behind him a thriving family company, which still retains the spirit that made it all happen in the first place.